Cursos disponibles

Using action research to strengthen your advocacy and policy-influencing
Courses in English

Action research is a methodology that involves active participation and collaboration with practitioners to identify and address real-world problems in a specific context. This course guides you through the steps of planning and implementation of action research via some theory and practical examples and stories from implementers of action research. In this course, you will learn:

  1. How to make an action research plan
  2. What to consider during the implementation of your action research
  3. How to report your study results in an effective and efficient manner

Enhance your Advocacy Programme with the Social Change Matrix
Courses in English

Are you working on advocacy programmes with the aim to bring about social change in the education sector? Then, the Social Change Matrix is a tool that can help you to analyse how to achieve transformative change, and to reflect on the underlying reasons ('assumptions') why your approach can be successful.
In this course, you will learn:
  1. How to use the Social Change Matrix to plan for transformative change
  2. How to map your stakeholders
  3. How to identify the key assumptions in your advocacy programme

Good Practices of Citizen-led Advocacy in Different Contexts
Courses in English
Citizen-led advocacy is a grassroots approach to influencing public policy and decision-making processes. It involves individuals or groups of citizens actively engaging with government officials or institutions, through partnerships, to promote change in areas of social, political, or environmental concern.
In this course you will learn about:
  1. The principles of citizen-led advocacy
  2. Practical examples of citizen-led advocacy in Africa and Asia
  3. Lessons-learned about citizen-led advocacy
Education Financing
Courses in English

Upon completion of the Education financing course, you will be able understand the human rights and practical background of education financing globally including human rights conventions, the need, and issues around commercialisation of education and the privatization actors involved globally.

Courses in English

    Upon completing the Advocacy course, you will be able to define the meaning of Advocacy in technical terms and explore examples of advocacy in the education sector. This will also help you to understand how to create a Theory of Change and Logic Framework based on a problem and how to frame issues when conducting advocacy.

Le Plaidoyer
Cours en français

À la fin du cours de plaidoyer, vous serez en mesure de définir le sens du plaidoyer en termes techniques et d'explorer des exemples de plaidoyer dans le secteur de l'éducation. Cela vous aidera également à comprendre comment créer une théorie du changement et un cadre logique basés sur un problème et comment définir les problèmes lors de la conduite d'un plaidoyer.

Financement de l'éducation
Cours en français

À la fin du cours sur le financement de l'éducation, vous serez en mesure de comprendre les droits de l'homme et le contexte pratique du financement de l'éducation à l'échelle mondiale, y compris les conventions relatives aux droits de l'homme, la nécessité et les problèmes liés à la commercialisation de l'éducation et les acteurs de la privatisation impliqués à l'échelle mondiale.

Cursos em português

Ao concluir o curso de Advocacia, você será capaz de definir o significado de Advocacia em termos técnicos e explorar exemplos de advocacia no setor educacional. Isto também o ajudará a compreender como criar uma Teoria da Mudança e um Quadro Lógico baseado num problema e como enquadrar as questões ao conduzir a advocacia.

Financiamento da Educação
Cursos em português

Após a conclusão do curso de financiamento da educação, você será capaz de compreender os direitos humanos e os antecedentes práticos do financiamento da educação em todo o mundo, incluindo as convenções de direitos humanos, a necessidade e as questões em torno da comercialização da educação e dos atores de privatização envolvidos globalmente.

Financiamiento de la educación
Cursos en español

Al finalizar el curso sobre financiación de la educación, podrá comprender los derechos humanos y los antecedentes prácticos de la financiación de la educación a nivel mundial, incluidas las convenciones de derechos humanos, la necesidad y las cuestiones relacionadas con la comercialización de la educación y los actores de privatización involucrados a nivel mundial.

Cursos en español

Al completar el curso de Promoción, podrá definir el significado de Promoción en términos técnicos y explorar ejemplos de promoción en el sector educativo. Esto también le ayudará a comprender cómo crear una teoría del cambio y un marco lógico basado en un problema y cómo enmarcar las cuestiones al realizar actividades de promoción.

Resource Repository
Learning Community

This is a global repository of the  Learning Hub built to bank knowledge and learning products, tools and resources generated from the work of the GCE movement and global community working to advance access to quality education.  GCE members, partners and global education partners can can access the repository for the following purposes:

  1. Online engagements and collaborations
  2. Share learnings 
  3. Disseminate resources
  4. Collect materials and resources

GCE encourages new contributions and feedback on published resources as part of the ongoing collaborative efforts on learning.

Transforming Education
Learning Community

Education must enable students to take a leading role in its transformation process while actively contributing to more just and sustainable societies and the well-being of people and the planet. Education systems need fundamental reform to achieve these two aims simultaneously. GCE's learning around transforming education is centred around our strategic advocacy areas focused on: 

  1. Technology and digital opportunities
  2. Quality Climate Change Education (QCCE)
  3. Education leadership and civil space

Youth and Student Engagement
Learning Community

The Youth Engagement Learning Community is coordinated and managed by the GCE Secretariat. The Secretariat sets up the communities and develops the process for effective coordination and implementation of activities to achieve the desired results and impact. During the current strategic period, the engagements in the Youth Learning Community will be centred around critical education issues outlined in the Youth Engagement Strategy as in the Youth’s advocacy and campaign priorities listed below:

  1. Climate change and greening education
  2.  Inclusive education
  3. Gender equality 
  4. Financing of education
  5. Education Technology

Inclusive Education and Early Childhood
Learning Community

The engagements in the IEEC Learning Community will are centred around the following critical topics relating to inclusive and early childhood education advocacy and campaign priorities, aligning with the 2023-2027 advocacy and campaign priorities of the GCE Movement. 

  1. Disability inclusion  
  2. Inclusion of historically excluded populations and groups 
  3. Transformative ECCE
However, should members of the community wish and suggest exploring other topics that may not be directly linked to the sub-topics outlined below, the suggestions will be considered for integration in the plans that will be developed for each year.

Gender Learning Community
Learning Community

The Gender Learning Community aims to cultivate and strengthen the GCE movement's common understanding of gender and the capacity to mainstream gender through targeted gender-conscious learning and knowledge generating to inform joint advocacy actions and influence gender frameworks in education policy. The engagements in the Gender Learning Community will be cantered around key pillars that are critical to GCE's advocacy and campaign priorities on gender, including :

  1. Gender equality and non-discrimination
  2. Gender-responsive education in conflict and crisis
  3. Gender-responsive education financing

Education in Emergencies Learning Community
Learning Community

The engagements in the EiE Learning Community are centred around the following three critical education in emergencies advocacy and campaign priorities aligning with GCE’s 2023-2027 advocacy and campaign priorities. 

  1. Crisis-sensitive and inclusive education planning and budgeting
  2. School safety, security, protection (psychosocial support and socio-emotional learning)
  3. Education for refugees, IDPs, returnees, asylum seekers, migrants and stateless people

However, should members of the community wish and suggest exploring other topics that may not be directly linked to the topics indicated, these will be considered for integrating in the plans that will be developed for each year.

Education Financing Learning Community
Learning Community

The engagements in the Education Financing Learning Community are centred around six critical education financing advocacy and campaign priorities outlined below: 

  1. Increasing investment in education systems, from early childhood through to adult learning in education
  2. Protecting education budgets, including in times of austerity and debt crises
  3. Increasing financial investment in education to both long-term development aid for education and humanitarian aid for education in emergencies
  4. Advocating for tax justice
  5. Exposing and working to end the privatisation and commercialisation of education 
  6. Ensuring accountability for education investments, aid and debt.